So I didn’t get to do much relaxing last night like I had hoped I was going to, haha! We got dinner ready, I sat down, put in Twilight and then about 20-30 minutes into the movie the LIGHTS WENT OUT. Boooooo! The winds were REALLY high and It was kindof scaring me! The wind kept on so we cleaned out the living room closet to have a place to get into IF it got that bad. Long story short, the wind and weather calmed down but the lights never came back on last night! We went to bed after midnight and I heard the power come on sometime during the night but It went off/on about 4 times again but It was on this morning. Crazy.

The top of my thighs Friday were SOO sore but this morning they felt fine, thank goodness. Got back on the treadmill this morning to start off my week of exercise and I can’t wait to get another week in! Yay! Another thing that really makes me happy is that since I’ve started this and posted about it randomly on livejournal and facebook — some of my friends are inspired by me! That really brings a big ole’ smile to my face. I just hope I’m inspiring my husband. Atleast a little bit!

Easter was good, all except for last nights little lights out incident. We went to church yesterday morning and usually the last hour we’re there Katie just goes crazy because she wants to go to bed. We’re thinking we’re gonna start coming home an hour early because of it because Brad said he can’t hear or learn anything anyway because most of the time he has to leave the room. She looked so cute in her little spring bunny dress and shoes, heh. Next month is her birthday!!!!!!! Gotta get something planned up!

I’m soooo flippin excited that it’s Spring because that means…. SUMMER IS COMING SOON! HELL. YES! You can tell I’m a Southern girl! Love the sun and heat, lol. Alright, I gotta get up and fold some laundry! Tonight I plan to sit down and TRY to finish Twilight again since I was INTERUPTED by the power outage last night! Adios amigos!