I’m finally at the point in my life where I feel completely happy. All the way around. I was happy last year because I had my baby girl and of course was happy in 2007 when I found out I was pregnant but now.. It’s a different kind of happy. I have my baby girl, a wonderful husband that understands me 100%, a great relationship with religion and a new lifestyle. I now don’t have those negative thoughts that stopped me from leading the happiest life. My thoughts are positive and I feel great.

It’s just hard seeing those around me not having that same kind of happiness. I want it SO BAD for them but I can’t do it — they have to do it themselves. Just makes it so so so hard because I just want to stomp my foot and say DO IT! Just have to pray that they are guided to do the right thing in their lives. That’s ALL I can do.

Let me just talk about temptation. For me, It used to be If someone offered me a plate of cookies, I would eat them all and then look around for more! Now If someone offers me cookies, I just say no thanks! I don’t eat candy anymore and only a little bit of chocolate. For instance, I buy the yogurt with the resees pieces and have those a couple times a week. I’m so proud of myself. I haven’t had a soda in over a year now. It used to be SO HARD to fight off that temptation and was SO EASY to give into it. I’m so much stronger mentally now. I can say no thanks to something and actually MEAN it. I never thought I would be that strong. Here I am and I want to stay like this the rest of my life and I KNOW I can and WILL.

It’s been hotter than usual today.. I think the humidity went up because the apartment actually got HOT today and I had to turn on the A/C for a bit and now I’ve just got the unit fan on. I’m thinking about opening the windows this evening. Been a good day! Ladies from church came to visit me this afternoon and It was a nice visit. One of them brought Katie a baby walker from one of her family members! YAY!!! Can’t wait for Brad to come home so we can eat dinner and watch… THE BIGGEST LOSER! I’m stoked to watch it! I love that show and It’s so powerful to me!