Yup, we got lots and lots of rain today! We got a bit of a thunderstorm including wind, rain, thunder, lightning and even hail! Then it cleared up pretty quickly but the grounds are soaked. Ah well, provides nice water for the growing plants and trees!

We came home from church early this morning since we knew Katie would get crazy the last hour because she gets restless and tired but we’re probably gonna try to stick it out next Sunday. Haven’t done a whole lot today except 1 load of laundry and watched Jon and Kate plus 8 episodes online. We had *planned* on going grocery shopping this afternoon but then all the rain and such came in and Brad didn’t want to go anywhere so he’s gonna have to shop tomorrow after he gets off work.

Am I boring or what? lol. I give up on getting visitors or comments really. Ah, who cares. I’m doing this site mainly for memories to look back on. I love reading old entries. So hi to my future self!!