Last night was a disaster. I’m not gonna go into detail but let’s just say I was attempting to help Brad find the positives in life and he was all about the negatives because he was so frustrated and tired. I cried a lot because I felt such a heavy heart to see him in such a negative state. It hurt a lot. I had the hardest time going to sleep because I had so much more I wanted to say to him but he wanted to be left alone and I knew I had to respect that and be patient. I was SO hoping to help him cheer up for the first day of 2010 but I did my best and It still didn’t work because he was already way too tired last night but that’s OK!

This morning was a new day and we talked then cried but that’s what it takes sometimes. I’m just trying to help him and quite a few other people reach for their dreams, their happiness and that is never easy. Ever. Been there, done that and It was the hardest change I’ve ever made because It was a total makeover of everything I am! I’m a strong, stubborn individual who is determined to help anyone and everyone who wants to be helped in their lives because that is part of my mission in this life.

Katie has been so good today and I SO HAPPY FOR IT because the last week or so she has been Miss Whinebag. I’m guessing it was teething or perhaps just a “mood” of hers but whatever It was, I’m glad today has brought brighter days in Mommyhood… for now.

MY TOES ARE COLD and I have socks on. I also went ahead and put on a sweater since my arms were getting chilly. Our heater is going but I’m guessing we might have to turn it up even more tonight since we’re supposed to have a hard freeze. I looked to the forecast and apparently Thursday we might get some snow! I’m super excited for church tomorrow but not excited to face the prickling, bitter cold in the morning but we shall, we shall!