I am speechless on how BLESSED I am feeling today.

My Mother in law dropped by and got our chinchilla some food and also gave us some extra money which basically SAVED US. I am so grateful! I was trying to throw some scraps together for our dinner tonight but since we got that money Brad can go buy us a few items so I am overjoyed to say the least!

The weather is calling for about an inch of snow tomorrow and some flurries tonight! I am freezing right now. It’s supposed to be like -2 I think tomorrow night and 0 another night. Have I mentioned how much I DO NOT like winter?! If I can, I’m gonna scoop up some snow and make snow ice cream, YUMMY!!

I say this often but I am so thankful, grateful and blessed for everything in my life. Gotta go check and see If our clothes got completely dry! Keep warm tonight =)