I feel like a popsicle right now. My hands and feet are freezing!!! I guess I need to go put on another layer of clothes. My online weather widget says it’s 22 but feels like 0 to me. I think the temps are supposed to get into the single digits with even colder windchill tonight. There is still chunks of snow randomly outside on the ground! It snowed tiny, tiny flurries for a couple hours this morning too.

I’m stoked! I was watching Rachel Ray today and Chef Rocco was on!!! He showed his own take for onion rings and I actually really want to try it. He also has a new book coming out with recipies that take some of our “usual” comfort foods and turn them healthy. WANT WANT WANT. Speaking of food! I always try to vary up my snacks that I eat in the late afternoon and into the evening since my breakfast and lunch are usually pretty much the same. Here’s the snack list:

~ 0.5 cups of multigrain cheerios (currently munchin on them now)
~ 0.5 cups cottage cheese with a few, small apple chunks
~ 1 cup of Almond milk mixed with 1 piece of Nature’s Own 100% Whole grain bread
~ Egg omlet with a little spinach and tomato
~ 3 slices of thin deli ham with a few crackers and mustard

How does that sound for a snack list?! I love it. I eat the multigrain cheerios every day and I never bore of those. All that comes to about 400 calories spread out. I get so excited over my own daily food menu.. yes, I’m a dork but that is what helps keep me hyped on this new lifestyle! I can honestly now say that I DO NOT want to eat unhealthy food like I used to. If someone put some fried chicken in front of me right now, I would not have the same feeling on it like I used to. Beforehand, I would have not had a second thought and smiled with grease on my face. Yeah…. no thanks. It took me a long time but I am thankful to have this new hold on healthy foods! I’ve learned to take foods that I do have and use them in whatever I can as healthy as I can make it. Also, to make my food LAST. I try to stretch out all my fruits and veggies to make sure I’ll have enough for the week and it really makes me appreciate having those items so much more.

Yum yum! I guess I’ll go try to stay warm!!!! Have a blessed evening!