Why is it when a situation or one hard challenging thing comes our way we seem to crumble and let all the negative take us over? Why is that? When all we have to do is hold on to the good things we do have in this life and not let anything override our happiness and content BUT we are human. We have our struggles but this is why I let faith and God guide my life. I cannot imagine my life any other way now and I want the world to know they can feel that peace too but we have to be willing to find unity in that faith and then and only then will we grow towards more peace and happiness in this world. No matter what anyone says I will continue to let my light shine for all to see because I DO believe in it. I am no longer afraid to talk about my religion and faith because I know I can help inspire people and God has given me that courage and confidence.

People may automatically turn away from this blog or my blog in general because I am a Christian. Why? My mission on this earth as a Christian is to spread The Gospel so that others can be inspired to find their happiness within like I have found with God. There is nothing wrong in that. So many people are so lost in wickedness and unhappiness that they have no hope for that happiness but If we would ALL just stop and THINK. Use our minds to search our true feelings. To face our fears and put control in our lives to make right the chaos that brings down our spirits every day. We are all worthy of living a happy life. It’s just getting there that is the challenge but that is why there is faith and hope If we would just try and believe one day, one step at a time but If we continue to sit in our hopelessness then we shall do just that. Sit in disbelief that only draws us further away from happiness. I will not have that for myself or my family. Will you?

We know life isn’t easy but we can strive to make it better If we are willing to take a stand for our lives. For our happiness. I have and I’m standing firmly where I am. I love my life. I love laying in bed at night with my wonderful husband and talking of random things as we get ready to rest our tired bodies. I love seeing our daughter grow and play. We got more tiny snow flurries this morning and although they are tiny, they are still beautiful. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and to just remember to look for the good in life instead of the bad and to try to change the way you look at your lives but It takes really taking control of your feelings but you can get there. I can testify that much because I am there today.