Woke up early this morning to the COOOOLD! My church friend arrived and we left (first time I’ve ever left in the morning to go anywhere before Brad!! Hah!) then we had to go pick up another church friend who was riding with us then we had to go to the driver’s house to change vehicles since she didn’t know we’d have another person riding until this morning BUT then we were on our way! We arrived right on time and everything went well — It was a auxillary training meeting and I got to sit in a meeting in place of someone else for a class I don’t even teach haha but It was interesting none the less! Katie got to go play in nursery with the other kids. When I was done with the meeting that lasted 2 hours I went to get Katie and all the kids were in the hallway drawing with markers… eek. Most of them had WRITTEN ALL OVER THEIR FACES with the markers and I saw them first and thought — oh goodness where’s Katie? She was fine! Coloring with one marker and she got a little on her hands but that was all. I gathered her up and we met up with one of the ladies we rode with and went to the eating area where they were serving a small lunch. I had already packed stuff for me and Katie so I had just a little somethin until I could get back to the car for my main snack. We ate and chatted for a bit before gathering up then heading back towards home! Dropped our friend off then me and Katie came home too. OH got to see quite a few people at the meeting I hadn’t seen in a long while and that made me super happy!!!!!!

I gave Katie somethin to eat then put her down for a nap and she took a loooong one! I ate then was getting very sleepy and cold myself so I got my penguin blankie, cuddled up on the couch with the portable heater close to me and went to sleep for almost 2 hours? Good stuff. I’m still a bit tired tonight. Another church friend of mine dropped by to give me some clothes for Katie! I worked on my church talk, got Katie up, fed and then cooked dinner and finished my talk. After Katie’s bath and story time, I put her to bed and decided to take a hot bath and Brad came home a little early! Heh. I love him lots. I’m finishing up dinner and feeling so blessed to be alive. Today was good and I’m so glad. I know tomorrow will be awesome too considering the Sabbath Day is always a great day!

We’re probably gonna watch this week’s episode of The Office then hang out and get ready for bed! Have a great evening and know that God loves you and that you ARE special and loved by Him! We are all worthy of a happy, blessed life If we will just live by the commandments He has given us to help us get through this life!!!