OH BUT YES — today was decent! Heh.

I stayed on TRACK with my foodz and meals! This morning I did 20 minutes on the exercise bike while Katie watched moooovies. After a snack and then a shower I waited a bit then had my awesome chicken veggie salad for lunch. Then It was TIME TO WORK! Katie played with her toys while I got down to bizniz! I worked, worked worked until 3PM then eventually put her down for a nap and then It was time for another snack, nom nom. OH OH before I put Katie down for nap – I opened up her door and a little bitty MOUSE ran across the floor!!! I cornered it and captured it in a container then put it outside. Mouseeee!!! Then more work and more and more!!! Haha. While cooking dinner tonight I called and talked to my Mom for a bit. I put Katie to bed about 8:45PM and then sat down with my dinner!! Brad just got home soooooo what’s in store for tonight?!

Dessert = yogurt. Entertainment = BIGGEST LOSER, YES!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Can’t wait!