So. Today has consisted of rain, wind, cold and a realllllllllly long data feed that I’m completing with my online work. My arms hurt from working all day on it and I’m STILL. NOT. FINISHED with it! I didn’t do any exercise today but no worries.. besides the online work I have been up, down and all around the house just like usual. I wash dishes atleast 5+ times a day hahaha. I folded a load of laundry and a bunch of other daily misc housewife duties and such.

Needless to say, I am ready for some honk-shu’s!

Gonna rise and shine then get started on MOAR online work but BEFORE THAT I’m gonna get a little time on the exercise bike and petal my little heart out hahahaa.

Alright… my husband is on his way to bed so I’m gonna get a little snap happy for Dailybooth then GET SOME SNOOOZIES!!! Yes, I said snoozies!

p.s. Katie has started spitting sometimes when gets frustrated. Brad put her down for nap today and after she was down he came in the living room and said when he picked her up she spit in his face!!!!!!!! He gave her a good spanking… wow. I will NOT PUT UP WITH THAT! I’m pretty certain she picked it up from some church kids, grrr.