
After the usual morning routine this morning, I went for a nice walk outside and called my Mom and talked to her on the phone for a little over an hour? It was great. After I came back inside, Brad and I got showers then decided to head out to TUPELO (where our closest mall is) since our chinchilla needed food! Loaded up and first went to pay our light bill then off we went! First stop was PetSmart to get chinchilla food and bath dust then drove over to the mall. OH OH speaking of the mall.. I went in GNC to look at vitamins and the cashier guy talked to me about one of their items on sale and we got to talking about healthy living! It was great!!! We browsed and looked for a long time and then we were both hungry as we got ready to leave the mall and were trying to decide what to eat. We left the mall and drove around — thought about Chick-Fil-A but then decided to stop by Kroger and we went in and he got a protein bar and I got a Clif bar. Also picked up Keifer smoothie to share between us. It was good! We drove a little back towards home and stopped in another town to buy groceries! We didn’t get home till 10:30PM I think? We just ate a late dinner and gonna hang out, study some church material together then I’m going to bed!

Good day! I’m so thankful to my Heavenly Father for another day!!! It was so nice to get out. Even though we didn’t get to buy much (besides groceries) that’s OK since we got to get out of our town.