Today has made up for the stress of yesterday!

I got up this morning, fixed my breakfast and SAT DOWN TO EAT! I haven’t done that in forever. Usually I am fixing fixing fixing and the last thing I do is sit down and eat but my Mom said that I should do that so I DID! It was nice too!!! Afterwards I fixed Katie’s breakfast then Brad woke up and we did the potty and breakfast routine. I called Mom to see If she’d watch Katie while we did this and that and she said that was fine. We got dressed then stopped by Kroger to get some protein bars and also some energy gummies and blocks! Dropped Katie off at Moms then went walking around the block! We did some walking and running intervals… well Brad mostly walked and complained about the pollen hahahahhaa. I say overall we did about ~30 minutes or so then came back to Moms for a little then took our protein bars and came home to eat then shower! We eventually dressed and headed out to Microcenter so Brad could see about applying for a job there and they said he could apply online so he’s going to. We left and headed to Wal-Mart so I could see about going in the hair place to get my eyebrows waxed!!! First time since January! The black lady who did them for me was so sweet!!!!!!!! She did a great job! Our next stop was nearby at the Burlington Coat Factory! They had some great deals and once we get situated with money then I’d really like to buy a few new outfits. We browsed for a long while in there then our last stop was KROGER for our foooooooooood! We bought SALMON to eat for dinner along with some EGG PLANT PARMESAN! Wooohoo! We saved some money too with our Kroger card so yay for savings!

We came home and I put away groceries then we went to pick Katie up and bring her home so she could eat dinner but just like last night she did not want it! I gave her some of my orange and SHE ACTUALLY ATE IT. We tried to get her to eat oranges a few weeks ago and she was NOT having it. She’s a stubborn individual! I know she isn’t picky… she’s never been. Whatevs! She did good with the potty 2 times after we got home then I went to put her to bed and she threw a fit… of course. I went to change her and she would NOT stand up. Ugh… I gave her a spanking then attempted to read a book to her but she was so tired she would not calm down even after I tried to rock her so I kissed her and put her down for the night! Shew…

Just ate our EGG PLANT PARMESAN and it was lovely!!! Now for frozen yogurt on a cone for dessert!! We have some storms rollin in soon so hopefully It won’t get too bad.

Good day!!! Glad that I got to exercise with Brad and go places to get out! It’s sooooooo nice!