I feel so uncomfortable in my body again. With the meds I’ve felt pretty bloated and I already felt a little bloated before the meds so yeah, fun stuff. I got rid of all my bigger pants and now everything I have is getting way too snug. Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just gotta keep positive even though It’s very hard for me to be positive right now about this. I lost 76 pounds in 2009 and I’ve gained like 35ish of that back. I haven’t felt this uncomfortable in my body since before I lost the weight. I dunno. Sigh… not to mention nothing is good to me food wise. GRRRRRRRRR all of it sucks. I also don’t feel like doing anything.

Oh well. I’m very happy for Brad! That new job offer did come through and so he starts tomorrow at 8AM! He also applied for online college today and is going to major in criminal justice and minor in information technology and is going for the Bachelor’s Degree. Hopefully I can get a job and get started looking into college soon too but I just don’t want to do anything right now to be honest. Today’s been a handful with Katie. She chewed on her book. She pulled away from my hand and screamed when I took her out for a walk. Wouldn’t stand up when we tried to get her to go potty at one point today. So frustrating.

If I could have one wish granted right now It would be to reverse back to January 2010 so that I could feel and look the way I did then and be able to change whatever it was that messed it all up but yeah yeah we can’t go back, ever. I’ll just have to dig my way out of this one somehow.