I HAVE A NEW FRIEND! My friends name is NETIPOT!

Brad got to sleep in extra late this morning but I got up around 9-9:30AM and ate breakfast then got Katie up. I called Mom to ask If she’d watch Katie while we went out then I wanted to clean house as well and she said that was fine. Once we dropped Katie off, we went to Walgreens to look for the NETIPOT and I had my new friend! Hahah. We came back and tried out the Netipot and I can say that since I’ve done that my eyes don’t feel as heavy or pressure-ish. I woke up feeling a bit weak with body aches.. I cleaned house but really didn’t want to. We picked up Katie around 5PM then came back and have been hanging out.

What If my problem THIS WHOLE LAST YEAR has been a sinus infection that’s never went away completely? My first sinus shake up happened LAST April just before we moved into our previous house and since then It’s been off/on problems with sinus causing me HELL all over. My big question tho is what caused my sinus infections and problems to keep coming back? Obviously it’s partially because of a lower immune system but was that from my gallbladder surgery from late 2009 or was it from so much intense exercise in early 2010? I don’t know.

I think I’ve had this infection sitting in my sinus cavity and now it’s time to loosen it up with the Netipot so I can recover and be on my own back to my old self and lose this weight! Maybe that’s why my energy went byebye last year? Would make sense. Infection stealing all my energy! I just hope the Netipot is enough to break up the mess that’s up in there. You know how a real bad stuffed up nose feels? Well, I can breathe just fine and don’t have a stuffed up NOSE but I have that realllllll bad stuffed up feeling behind my eyes and by my cheekbones. Also since last April food does not taste as good as it used to and I know that taste and smell can be greatly affected by sinus problems and infections.

I hope I can get it to break loose soon. I would go to the Doc and have them do it but we don’t have insurance at the moment so yeah. Alright… gonna finish dinner and hang out with my lovie. We’re going to church in the morning!!!!!!! First time Katie’s been since we left Alabama.