Gah, I didn’t even realize I didn’t post an entry last night until today! I swore I had posted an entry but then nope. Ummmm… Sunday. We didn’t have usual church so our big highlight of the day was that evening we walked Katie over to my Mom’s to spend time with her while we went out on our ….. BIKES! It was super fun, but Brad only went so far before he wanted to turn around, lol. I wanted to go a lot further! We watched the latest FRINGE last night too.

Today? It’s been really warm! Trying to avoid turning on the air as long as possible so got the fans going trying to get air moving. I have been super busy today between housework, college work, checking on Molly every now and then, taking Katie outside and trying to find time to just CHILL OUT. Speaking of Molly, I believe she is close to labor!!! YIPPEEEE… can’t wait for the kittens to arrive and see what color(s) they are going to be. Well, well I got out of hand with eating gluten-free brownies, bread, and orange juice this weekend haha but I’m back on my usual. I reallllllllly want me and Brad to join a local gym and also go TANNING. It depends on expenses tho.

Sitting here listening to music with my headphones just trying to have some “ME” time, since alllllllll daaaay long I am constantly having to do something or hear Katie going 120mph. Just trying to change things for the better. After Katie goes down we are watching the NEW first episode of the second season of GAME OF THRONES! Been waiting a long time!!!! :]