As I mentioned, I got off track and ate too much + too many carbs Sunday evening and night, then today I ate too many carbs but didn’t go crazy on the calories. However, it made me sleepy this morning and today so I took naps. GOT TO STOP DOING THIS! It was the coconut bread that set off my trigger for carbs – should have known not to make it. It’s over and done with though and I’m gonna make the rest of this week AWESOME exercise AND food intake wise. The weekend throws me off, so I’m going to get Brad to wake me up earlier on Saturdays, so that I don’t get so messed up and wind up slipping up. If I can keep my foods strict for about a month, or a little longer without ANY mess ups, I think I will see big improvements in all areas. That’s the trick tho is sticking to it. I used to be so good at not giving in to any temptations and then my health messed up and nothing has been the same since. I WON’T GIVE UP THO, EVER! No matter how many times I slip, I am a fighterrrrrrrrr till I GET THIS RIGHT. Other people may be able to have “cheat” days or whatever, but I have to stay strict or else I retain water like a mad woman and then it takes me a week to get back to where I was…. rinse/repeat. GRRRRRRRRR. I was really starting to feel great at the gym when I had my food steady so yeah.

Anyway!!! Hope everyone had a good Monday. Since the overeating + carb overload made me sleepy, I decided to go back to sleep this morning after Brad went to work and slept late. Up.. started laundry, cooked breakfast, fed Katie, etc etc. Turned in my final college paper for my Business class, then started a bit on the new class. Katie went down for nap and I still felt meh/sleepy, so I went back to sleep on the couch, until my neighbor knocked on the door and wanted me to help with something so did that and went over to visit/talk for way longer than planned, lol. Katie had woken up, but was just playing in her bed and Brad was already home by the time I came back haha. Hurried and got READY FOR THE GYM!!!!!!! Took Katie to friend’s then off we went. I had my pre-workout drink and my yogurt/banana on the way there. ZEE STATS >>>

warmup, 10 minutes, elliptical, 1.26 miles, 102 calories
seated row – 3X, 60lbs, 10 reps
bicep curl – 3X, 30lbs, till max (dumbell)
tricep pulldown – 3X, 30lbs, 10 reps
clean lift/press – 30lbs, till max (dumbell)
pinwheel – 15lbs, till max (dumbell)
tricep extensions – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
fixed pulldown – 3X, 70-75lbs, 10 reps
virtual bike – 37 minutes, 7.60 miles, 321 calories
stair stepper – 13 minutes, 37 floors, 110 calories

I deffo didn’t feel as good, as far as my workout after eating too many carbs. My endurance was not as good and the virtual bike was really tough! I couldn’t keep up with pacer, but I kept going!!! Eventually headed out to come back & Brad put Katie to bed, while I got started on our dinner, since I did not get a chance to cook it beforehand like usual. I was starving when we first left the gym, but then I felt okay after I got home and got some ice + water in me. Ate, took some supplements, and washed off. Here I am!

Plan on having a ROCKIN’ rest of the week and WILL NOT GO OFF TRACK THIS COMING WEEKEND. Not gonna buy anymore tempters (aka like making the coconut bread), atleast not for a long while until I feel I can not go crazy over it. I’m thankful for another day. Thankful for my Heavenly Father. Goodnight all! =) Wishing everyone an awesome night.