I don’t really have much to tell about this morning or early afternoon. However… after Brad came home, I fixed our dinner (for later), fed Katie her dinner, then we dropped her off at Mom’s so we could go…. SIGN UP FOR A GYM! WOOHOO! We got there, signed up on the computers (btw they had METAL keys on the keyboard lol impossible to type!), and we got a free tshirt!!

Once we were MEMBERS, we hopped on ellipticals and I did almost 2 miles in 20 minutes! BTW, we get 2 free training sessions with a personal trainer and our first session is this Saturday at 3pm and I AM STOKED! Most people would dread it but bwahahah not me!!! ;D We thought about doing weights afterwards, but decided to wait until tomorrow, so we went to talk to them about doing our first TANNING session! Mine and Brad’s first time everrrrrr. We bought the protective eyewear and a bottle of awesome tanning lotion. They have the stand up tanning booths, which are awesome. We each did 5 minutes and then we were done! I CAN’T WAIT TO GO BACK TOMORROW! We both agree that we feel even more motivated about working out by just being at the gym. Headed back to pick up Katie and came home. I did awesome with my food and water intake today…. just need to keep going NO MATTER WHAT.

TOMORROW MORNING WE GO TO THE ZOOOOOOOO!! New gym to get TAN AND FIT, plus getting to go the zoo again for the first time since spring 2008, woot! I’m really happy. And super thankful!