My goodness, it was sooooo gorgeous outside ALL. DAY. LONG… until this evening and then we got a thunderstorm! It’s cooled off a little bit after the storm and that is even better. I was gonna stay up this morning after my protein shake, BUT going back to sleep just sounded TOO appealing, esp after yesterday’s sun exposure & walking + other exercise. It was nice! After we were all up and fed, I sat down to do another college discussion, then ordered more health supplements online! I ordered another bottle of the Glutathione Recycler pills, plus a bottle of Cortisol Manager! I am DETERMINED to have a deep, awesome sleep again. I have tried EVERYTHING and I do sleep “better” than I used to, but still not that awesomely restful sleep that I used to get all the time! Read the reviews about the Cortisol Manager and people have said it was awesome to promote great sleep and feeling more peaceful & relaxed throughout the day. UM, YES PLS. Plus, helps with appetite and weight so WOOOHOO. Now I’m hella excited to get them in the mail!!!! Katie eventually went down for nap & I was trying to debate on what to do…. a little bit of exercise? shower / wash my hair? or… what? I decided to skip on the shower, since I planned on going for a walk and prob would need one later so I watched my OTH rerun episode instead then ate lunch, finished up the episode and got Katie back up for her snack.

We got ready and walked alllllllll the way past the park to the POND! So gorgeous outside. Walked around to look at the duckies, geese, and TURTLES! Even saw a Momma Goose on her NEST, with Daddy Goose real close by.. in fact, he hissed at us lol that’s a good, protective Daddy. The Koi fish in that pond are HUUUUUUGE. Also, I couldn’t believe how many turtles we saw! A whole bunch!!! We just had a really good time. Of course I looooooove anything outdoors/nature/critters/animals/SUNSHINE and this was it. Katie almost fell in the water once and it scared me pretty good. Walked all the way home and Katie kept saying she wanted to go home, she had to potty… got home and Brad was already there! Heh. Rest of the evening consisted of dinner, a storm outside with intense lightning, newest episode of THE BIGGEST LOSER (makeover week!), and now I’m posting this.

Oh oh oh! My church friend called about going to the ZOO NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!!!!! I’m SO EXCITED. =) Can’t believe she asked ME to go… she could of asked anyone else! I feel special and honored. Side note: Molly and her kitties are doing well! Love watching the bitty babies. AND the new episode of Bones last night was so awesome. I have MISSED that show so much! Time to relax and get ready for bed. I am so, so, so very thankful, grateful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me. I’m thankful for my life… to have the chance to experience everything that I have and what’s to come. I know every day is a gift. I’m gonna try to stay up in the morning instead of going back to bed AND get a little workout in a bit after I finish my protein shake. We’ll see….. I might just be tempted to go back to sleep for a bit like usual, lol.

Have a good night!