Yes!!! Today I got on the treadmill and did an hour and did more miles and burned more calories than I have in just one hour! I did over 3.6 miles and burned 605 calories! My right foot is sore but I feel FANTASTIC! I already feel slimmer with doing a little more exercise so far this week and with cutting back a couple hundred calories!

Nothing eventful has happened today… Brad and I watched the movie Shutter last night! We were hoping it wouldn’t be terrible like the movie Grudge and It actually wasn’t half-bad! Espically since hottie Josh Jackson is in it! Tonight it’s back to watching One Tree Hill!

I’m currently snacking on some almonds and water while listening to Maroon 5 and just relaxing until It’s time to feed Katie D some dinner. I’m so proud of Brad because he’s #9 as far as agents go at his work!! Also very proud of him because he’s been drinking a lot of water lately! That makes me super happy and I know it makes him feel better overall.

My day has been good, don’t feel quite as elated as I did yesterday lol but I feel quite good. The end!