DANG. I woke up at 6AM this morning to a very, very ROUGH thunderstorm outside. Constant lightning, the wind blowing pretty hard, pouring rain and some BOOMING thunder and so I got up to go look outside because It was worrying me and I wanted to check the Internet for watches or warnings but then I didn’t want to turn on my computer since the lightning was bad so I turned on the radio but didn’t hear any news so back to bed I went. Grrr but that also messed up my sleep! I did go back to sleep for almost an hour and 30 minutes more.

You know how you have a cold and can’t taste and nothing seems to satisfy you? Well, I’m having a similar problem except I’m not sick… just that my appetite hormones are out of whack. IT SUCKS. Sigh… just proves how much more sleep and catching up my body STILL has to do and I’m sure I’m not helping with all the exercise and energy I put out. Speaking of, my body was clearly shouting it had-had ENOUGH with the exercise for the week but I felt inclined to do SOMETHING to end the workout week so I did a mini-kettlebell workout via YOUTUBE then walked at 2.0mph on the treadmill while listening to some calming music from Angels and Airwaves followed by a bit of scripture reading.

I really cannot wait to have my body back in sync. It sucks so badly to eat a meal good calorie wise and then not feel satisfied and then try to find a little something more to eat and STILL not be satisfied. sdflkjalskdfj;asl. It’s really bothering me!!! The good news? I DID take around a ~30 minute nap today and I’m still tired right now. I’m hoping Sunday I can get some overtime in the sleep area. I guess I shall see.

BOOOOOOO! I really look forward to my smoothies in the late afternoons now and guess what? I got everything loaded in the blender and turned it on to start the choppin process and It started then DIED… NOOOooO. I just took the whole glass and put it in the fridge since I did not want to waste the goodies. If Brad can’t get a blender tonight then I guess I shall throw it out after tonight.

Please send some hormone sync vibes my way. I want to have my energy, food satisfaction and everything back to my normal! I just have to make sure to keep getting plenty of sleep and hope for the best! *holds breath*