What a wonderful day! Gonna post this sortof bullet style since I’ve got some online work to download then get ready for SLEEP.

~ Walked (and ran a little) almost 3 miles outside this morning
~ While I was gone, Brad took Katie outside to play in the frontyard
~ Returned and we loaded up to go pick up garden items from Wal-Mart and run errands
~ Fed Katie lunch then her nap while we went to start our GARDEN
~ We took turns digging and smoothing out the dirt
~ Got eggplant, squash, cucumber and pea seeds planted!!! Got lots more to plant
~ It was already after 3PM so LUNCH! Got a shower then waited for Katie to wake
~ Fed her then out the door for groceries!
~ Shop, shop! Picked up items for Katie’s BIRTHDAY PARTY tomorrow! We’re gonna bake the cake plus cupcakes.
~ Decided since It was going to be late when we were finished to go pick up Subway since we haven’t eaten out in a loooooong time! I got a 6 inch Subway melt, veggie delight salad and an oatmeal raisin cookie!
~ Unloaded and put away groceries, ate my food, fed Katie dinner and put her to bed

And VOILA. I was hoping to get to watch the Fringe finale but not going to have time looks like. Tomorrow I definetly want to watch Biggest Loser after we get back from Katie’s birthday party at Brad’s Moms house. I’m so excited about our garden! I also bought some flower seeds to plant in front of our porch. Squee! It was really great to spend that time outside working in the garden with my love!!! Can’t wait to work more tomorrow!