It was another really, really pretty day outside. I was SO TIRED this morning, so I got up then laid on the couch for a bit. Brad got up and went to shower, then when he came into the living room I decided to go back to bed for a while longer. He left for work and I GOT TO SLEEP IN! I haven’t got to sleep past 8AM, since I started getting Katie up earlier. Not even on the weekends. I woke up like 2 times, but I was still so tired that I didn’t even wanna get up… so I slept in until 9AM! When I went to get Katie up, she was still asleep too, lol. She’s a great sleeper. I researched about immune supplements this morning and found out supplemental COLOSTRUM is very, very beneficial to autoimmune disorders, SO I WILL GET SOME!

Soooooo, eventually it was time for Katie’s lunch then nap. I rode on the exercise bike a bit, while watching my OTH rerun and afterwards I fixed my lunch then got a bath and took a short nap. Katie got up, ate, watched cartoons, while I read my college material, then eventually had to get ready to go to my church meeting to speak on NUTRITION!!!!!

I – HAD – A – BLAST! *squee* it is SUCH A PASSION of mine! :) The meeting lasted longer than intended, but I swear if I could speak to people every day about health/nutrition/fitness, I would be in heaven. That’s what I’m working for career-wise!!! I got home at 9pm and Brad said Katie had been a hellion, lol. He put her to bed a bit earlier because she kept doing this or that…. he’s getting more and more of a taste of what I deal with all day! I love our Katie D, but she is quite the child!

I’m so happy I got to do something I’m passionate about. I want to do it more!!! EVERY DAY!

I did EXCELLENT with my diet today. Breakfast was 1/2c brown rice, 2 eggs, green beans. A bit later I had a GIANT apple! Lunch was a tuna salad – tuna, cucumber, carrots, spinach, 1 tablespoon light mayo mixed with little ketchup (i need to buy some healthy salad dressing!) and I really, really enjoyed the salad. Umm afternoon “snack” was creamed corn, lol since I LOVE IT. Dinner was chicken fajitas with green PEAS and that is all I’ve had today – plus WATER! I took 1 scoop of my fiber/probiotic powder + water this morning and I really think that helps.

I’m just so pleased to finally know the ROOT CAUSE of my problems and that if I pamper my immune system with the right supplements and eat a low glycemic, gluten-free diet that I will eventually be feeling (AND LOOKING) awesome once again, woot woot.

Off to watch the latest FRINNNNNGE with my lovie <333