I’m so thankful for another Sabbath Day to be able to go to church and grow spiritually. I only had 3 girls in my class… however, 2/3 of them kept me on my toes. The other little girl was so good and she always is. I predicted right about this morning – IT WAS THE ARTIC OUTSIDE. Sheeeeeeeesh. It was pretty much just as cold after church too. Although, it’s supposed to be back up in the 60’s sometime this week. Up and down… make up your mind Mother Nature, pls. Came home & ate some blueberries & strawberries.. but I cannot WAIT to eat my big, juicy APPLE tomorrow. After Katie went down for nap I eventually fixed my tuna salad and we watched the newest….. ONE! TREE! HILL!!!!

Katie got up, ate, played, and not long after that Brad went and laid down and is still asleep! I was sitting here earlier and kept nodding, nodding, nodding off… so tired. Decided to watch a rerun of OTH to wake me up a little, plus I was getting hungry – and hungry + ultra sleepy = UGGGGH. I fixed mine and Katie’s dinner around 6pm and it was so good. I feel warm/content, but slightly sleepy. I am thinking an earlier bedtime is in the works for me tonight. If i can make it, we might watch the latest Fringe episode. I guess I better wake Brad up soon, or else he’ll never go to sleep for work in the morning.

Did I mention we put a blanket over our bedroom window to darken our room? It’s deffo helping! We have street lights right by our window, so it used to shine in a lot of light. Nice to sleep in (pretty much) pitch black! I need to start a bit on my college paper that’s due next Monday, but I think i’ll get right on that tomorrow morning since I cannot concentrate when I’m half-asleep. Time to nomnom on my dark chocolate cacao mini-block and little bit of coconut milk – oh, and let’s not forget TUMBLIN on tumblr!