Well, hello! It has been raining all evening and we’re supposed to get more tomorrow. However, it’s gonna clear up by Monday and by Wed/Thurs we get near 70 degree temps, yippeeeeeeee! OUR INCOME TAX MONEY HIT THE BANK TODAY – *dance dance dance* =)

This morning I cleaned house and even cleaned my computer desk, dusted and re-arranged the items on top, cleaned out my desk drawer, and felt really accomplished for it! Brad slept way late and finally dragged out of bed to sit around and fiddle for a few hours, when I was hoping we would go out earlier but yeah, lol. Katie had a late lunch & nap, then she got up, ate her snack & Mom said she would watch her for us (WHEEEE), so we got ready and dropped her off! First stop? Goodwill! *sigh* I only have a few pair of pants that still fit me… =( Sucks. I’ve been holding off buying bigger pants, but I finally decided to give in and buy ones that I can be comfy in until I can lose this stupid extra weight from the autoimmune mess up. I got 3 pairs of pants & 2 cute shirts! Eventually, we went to WHOLE FOODS! I am LOADING UP on probiotic stuff to have throughout the day to try to keep as much good bacteria come into my system. I know I said that I was gonna go grain-free, but after reading about a women who healed her Hashimoto’s by eating lots of fermented/probiotic stuff – I came upon her SOAKED oatmeal recipe, so I bought some gluten free oats and have some soaking in the fridge tonight & I’ll have that as one of my snacks tomorrow. Here’s what else I got:
– MACA powder [omg i LOVE THIS STUFF], coconut water kefir, low-fat Kefir, probiotic yogurt (no added sugars), and we got a few other things. I’m sooooo excited to try out my new menu stuff tomorrow.

Brad and I split some SUSHI for dinner, along with a Kombucha each <3 and I enjoyed my time out with him! Gonna sit back, relax, catch up on my Tumblr feed & get ready for bed, so we can get up and go to church. Have a great evening <3