Yes, it’s true. Whitney Houston passed away…. :(

So, it’s currently FREEZING OUTSIDE. My weather widget says it feels like seven. Gaaaah. I went to bed around midnight last night and Brad had fallen asleep on the couch in his snuggie (lol). I tried twice to wake him up and he did wake up, but went right back to sleep, so I shrugged and went to bed. I woke up a few times and then got up at 6AM to weight myself! (-2 pounds, yes!!!) Went back to sleep and finally got up at 9AM. Got Katie up, fed, started to clean house, etcetc then fixed my breakfast and continued to CLEAN! Katie went down for nap and I did a little exercise then lunch! I ate and started to watch this week’s BL episode but stopped when it was time to get Katie back up. Eventually, we headed out into the ARTIC to go to the International store to buy VEGGIES! then off to Wal-Mart to buy a few more things.

I had a wonderful dinner! Ground turkey and veggie mix with marinera sauce and sauerkraut! Dessert was HEAVENLY. I bought some dark cacao squares, so my little sweet treat every night is going to be a square of chocolate (55 calories) and a cup of delicious vanilla coconut milk…. mmmmmm! I studied my lesson for church tomorrow w/the kids.. I just hope they behave better than last Sunday. Rah. We’re gonna FREEZE our bootys off in the morning for sure. I do NOOOOOOT look forward to it. NOT NOT NOT.

*squee* and I’m SO THRILLED to be back in the 150’s again as far as my weight. This food plan ROCKS!