This morning: Got up, got Katie up & fed, ate breakfast, cleaned house, and eventually Brad got up. We got ready then headed over to the main office to sign our lease for the apartment for another year! Came back, got our stuff, then dropped Katie off @ Mom’s… then off to the mall!

We walked around and waited until almost 4pm to go to LensCrafters. Went back, filled out papers, and waited. Brad got to go back first! After a bit, I got called back. I got them to use this awesome machine to take a picture of my retina’s – new technology! Brad didn’t use it – just got the usual dilation method. Anyway, this and that test done = my eyes are pretty good!!! 20/40 vision, and only problem I have has always been sometimes trying to read something far off. He gave me a mild prescription for glasses and said that I didn’t have to have them, but if I wanted to then yeah. Brad’s eyes are pretty bad. They gave him a new pair of contacts and he said the difference is amazing! After our exams, we looked at VERY EXPENSIVE glasses and tried some on. Yeaaa, think we’ll look at the glasses at the Vision Center in Wal-Mart. Much better price range there, hahah. We went walking around the mall for a bit before heading over to Wal-Mart. The Vision Center was closing when we got there… booo. We might go back Monday afternoon. We got toilet paper at Wal-Mart and had to wait a while in the line. Last stop was Whole Foods, and since Brad ate at Subway in the mall – I didn’t have food with me and I’m sticking to gluten-free… so no options for me. I waited until Whole Foods and got SUSHI! We got a hand full of things, including this heavy metal detox spray that I’m gonna try. OH, and I got gluten-free dark chocolate cookies. Yum!

Drove back to Mom’s, picked up Katie, then came home. Time to unwind and eventually get a hot bath! My co-teacher is teaching the kids tomorrow at church, so I actually don’t have to prepare a lesson tonight, YAAAAAAY! I am thankful, grateful, and blessed.