Woooooowheeeee – it got up to 74 degrees! The sun was shining most of the day, but then this afternoon the clouds rolled in and byebye sun… aw boo. I started on my college paper this morning, then after Katie went down for nap I took the chance to sit on the porch and SOAK UP A LITTLE SUN + talk to Mom on the phone for a bit. I squeezed in some fast walking / little jogging on the treadmill, while I started my OTH rerun. Afterwards I fixed my lunch and headed for a hot bath + hair washing and finishing up my OTH rerun. Ah, I love it. Katie got up, had a snack, watched some cartoons, then I decided to take her outside again!! We walked down to the carwash down the road and I let her just roam around and play for a bit, then we walked around the block and back home. I went ahead and got my dinner ready for our trip & Brad came home! We got dressed, ready, etc then took Katie to Mom’s and headed out towards our Stake church!

The drive was nice…. saw some of the huge buildings! Thought the drive might be a little hectic, but it was all good! Brad got a little anxious before we got there with directions, but again, we were fine! Heh. Got to the church and got the meetings done. Now just to go to the Temple every chance we can get. Drove back home, went to Mom’s & talked to her for a bit before bringing Katie back home for bath + bed with Daddy. Gonna fiddle online a bit more, work on my paper (maaaaybe), then get ready for bed!

It still feels WONDERFUL outside right now and we have the patio door opened. NICE!!! =) I’m so thankful, grateful, and blessed for The Gospel and how it has changed my life. PS- check out mormon.org why don’t ya?? ;D If you are looking for a church…. it could change your life. It SURELY has mine!!!!