I’m so thankful for another Sabbath Day that my Heavenly Father has given me! I actually got to get up and share my testimony with the church today. I haven’t done that in a long while and I’m SO glad that I did. Katie would not behave this morning during 1st hour when we are supposed to be quiet. I took her onto her class after 1st hour, then sat in with my class. My co-teacher got to teach for the 1st time and she did a great job!!!! =) Last hour went by pretty quick and then when I went to get Katie from her class, she had a baggie of SWEDISH FISH that she was stuffing her face with. Ugh….. sorry I’m one of those Mom’s who does not let their children have really sugary stuff hardly ever. Picky? Yes. Anyway, I asked If I could “see the bag” then I hid it away and she WENT FREAKING CRAZY. “Some more? SOME MORE SOME MORE SOME MORE!!!!!!” She freaked out all the way home, acting like the world had ended and I’m just thinking….. oh heck no. We got home and I fixed her lunch and Brad calmed her down with her gummy vitamins haha. She ate and would NOT pick up her toys (prob because she didn’t get what she wanted) so I told her if she did not pick up her toys I was taking them away AGAIN – she just got them back today! She wouldn’t budge, so I told her to go potty and get ready for nap & that she would not be playing with her toys tonight because she had been ugly. She went to her room crying & protesting.

Ate lunch & got to finally sit down to watch the latest ONE TREE HILL! It was amazing. LOVED EVERY SECOND. Clay’s story, Chase’s story, and of course the whole thing with Nathan missing. Ok sorry, but DAN IS HOT THIS SEASON. lol. AND YAY…… DEB IS BACK! :] Anyway, after OTH – Katie got back up & was not behaving, so I sent her to her room until she calmed down. I gave her-her magazine/book rack so she could have something to occupy herself. I got my college paper done & turned in, woot woot. Umm rest of the evening was just fidding around and Katie & Brad dancing around haha. Katie eventually went to bed & we’ve been hanging out, listening to music, randomly dancing, and playing……….. TEMPLE RUN! I loooove that game now! Hah. XD

Oh, and yea, I need to tweak my food plan for sure. I’ve been working on that a little, but let’s just say that my bowel movements are not cooperating, so that’s no good. I used to eat a good bit of fiber and now I don’t since I cut out grains. I’m gonna try to eat a bit more gluten-free oats and re-arrange the food plan once again to see what happens. Again……. trial and error. OH and I made more coconut bread today and wound up eating a few pieces of that and too many of my gluten-free cookies, but they were worth it dangit. The scale prob won’t like me in the morning, since my body holds onto water and etc really FAST. Ugh. I’ll get this figured out to drop the weight, someway, somehow and I HOPE real soon!

Have felt good about today! =) If Brad gets some of his college work done at work (he has a easy desk job where he is able to do college at work!) then we might go look at glasses tomorrow!!! Welp, it’s late and we should of been in a bed a long while ago, but I’m not really sleepy and was totally having too much fun with Temple Run, lol. Tomorrow starts a whole new week of college reading! Hope everyone has a great night. Mucho love to you and yours!!! Know that you are worth it.