I feel so blessed. As usual for the morning I worked on my college, then eventually nap time came around for Katie. When she went down, I went across the hall again to talk to my neighbor but only got to talk a very short time since she had to go for her pre-op appointment for her surgery. I’m glad I got to talk with her but also glad I got to just come back home & take a bath + watch my OTH rerun like usual!!!! =) After Katie got up & was eating her snack, I folded a load of laundry and listened to some music. It was another GORGEOUS really warm day, so I took Katie outside, but it started to cloud over. The guy that lives upstairs that I talked to the other day (he was the one that owns the car that the outside kittens went under) came home from work and I talked to him, then he went up to his apartment and came out on his porch and we talked for a while longer! It clouded up, rained for 5 minutes, then eventually the sun came back out! Katie had a blast just jibber-jabbering and playing with sticks and rocks.

We came back inside at almost 5:30pm so I could fix something to eat before Brad came home. My lovie came home and we got ready to go, but Katie got SUPER whiney because we didn’t leave for my Mom’s the SECOND she wanted to. We left and dropped her off @ Mom’s then headed out! We had a really nice time tonight. I got some more coconut water kefir like I’ve been buying to go in my protein shakes and well, one of my bottles of Kombucha had fizzed up and gotten the paper bag wet, so when Brad went to put it in the trunk, the bottom fell out and the coconut kefir hit the ground, BOOM and busted. D’oh. We went back inside and got another one and I also got another dark chocolate candy bar! They are soy/nut/dairy free so YAY! Kombucha + chocolate? Ummm, yes pls. It made me feel awesome.

BTW, we decided to name our kitty MOLLY! Such a cute, fitting name for such a sweet kitty. We bought her some flea/tick shampoo and a brush. We weren’t sure how she would do with a bath, but after we got home, put Katie to bed, groceries away, etc… we got her ready and worked together to get her scrubbed AND SHE DID SO GREAT!!!!!!!! I’m so impressed with what a good kitty she was. Now she’ll sit in her box and lick herself forever, lol. So happy that we got her bathed. Something on her has been making my nose/face ITCH like crazy.. I know I’m not allergic to cats, I just think she had who-knows-what on her fur from outside so yeah it was muchly needed.

I’m really happy. Getting to know my neighbors is really helping me and their both home really often so always them to talk to! Plus, my Cousin is right diagonal from us so could always hang out with him. Got to talk to one of Brad’s youngest sisters on the phone today! She called to talk to me about her trying to lose weight and I LOVEEEEEE helping people so I’m so happy she called me.

Time to go check on Molly :) and brown my 2 tubes of ground turkey! YUMM!!! =)