Welcome to JUNEEEEEEEE and another Friday! Accomplished today: folded another load of laundry, bit of college work, chopped & steamed some veggies, and a few other various tasks! I DID do a workout on the home treadmill today… wound up doing 2 miles in 30 minutes, woot. Only thing was my heart rate was higher than when I run on the gym treadmill. Prob *should* have taken the day off but yeah, I’m proud of my 2 miles! It got cloudy outside and poured in the early afternoon then the sun came back out and it’s been LOVELY ever since! We actually have our patio door open because it’s currently 69 degrees with a nice BREEZE. Katie went to Mom’s for the evening, while we went shopping.

Highlights >> new microSD card for my mp3 player – YAY more room for NEW music!, summer outfit for Katie, tiny bottle of perfume (that I was trying to get last weekend), tank top to go under one of my shirts & it has hearts all over it! and those were the goodie highlights.

My “treat” tonight was banana/yogurt/truvia with a little protein powder mixed in, a tiny block of dark chocolate, and my kombucha! I’M SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW! If it’s warm enough in the morning then Brad is gonna take Katie swimming, while I clean then I might go swim for a bit too. Katie’s going to Mom’s tomorrow afternoon and GYM TIME for us, plus a trip to the mall – mainly to go buy some stuff @ GNC. Might poke in a few other places.

Katie was reallllllllly pushing my buttons earlier today, but that’s kids for ya. Gonna relax, fiddle online, and maybe watch a rerun of OTH?!! Heh. Have a great night!!!