Once again very happy tonight!! I’m liking the way I have been feeling the last few days. =) Sooo, let’s see what happened today. After breakfast this morning, I got some college done then me and Katie headed out and walked down to the Post Office to buy some stamps, so I could mail a few letters. That was a pretty good walk so she was tired and hungry when we got back, lol. Fixed lunch and I washed dishes and folded laundry. She went down for nap and I continued to fold laundry and talked to Mom on the phone. After our chat, I fixed my lunch then went to visit with my neighbor for a bit before coming back for snack and waiting to see when my sweet would come home from work! He was working in a diff area (the warehouse!) and said he might be coming home early….. and he did! Almost an hour earlier, woots. We all chilled out and Brad chilled out a little too much and fell asleep lol but we got ready eventually and took Katie to Mom’s then headed out.

Highlights from shoppings – New liquid multivitamin, since I’m almost out of the one I have now. New workout pants (LOVE THEM) and a red/black workout top (LOVE TOO) & Brad got new dress shirt & pants that he loves too, lol. I think that was the only big highlights.

We came back to Mom’s house to hang out a little and she made her homemade ZUCCHINI BREAD! I haven’t had that in FOREVER, so we all tried a slice. Yup, just like I remember it. Heh. Anyway, time to KICK BACK AND RELAX, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :D Excited for tomorrow – gonna get my eyebrows waxed and possibly my hair, maybe! Have an awesome night.