Wellllll, I went back to sleep this morning for a bit after Brad left for work and the maintenance man woke me up calling as he unlocked the door and kept calling till I got up, hah. He had to spray paint a few areas where there were water stains from leaks they just recently fixed. After he left, I got breakfast ready, etc etc. A bit later my neighbor came over because I thought a lady from another church was gonna drop by, since she was supposed to but never showed? I love my church but was interested to see what they had to say but *shrug*. My neighbor went home and Katie watched a cartoon before lunch. I folded laundry then went to help my neighbor clean before coming back to do this-that before my favorite time of day: GYM! >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.34 miles, 109 calories
torso rotation – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 90lbs, 10 reps
leg press – 3X, 230lbs, 10 reps
calf extensions – 3X, 90lbs, 10 reps
back extensions – 3X, 190lbs, 10 reps
back & abs – till max
lunges & misc – till max
elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 17 minutes, 3.14 miles, 200 calories
TREADMILL!! – 28 minutes, 2.11 miles, 270 calories

WOOT, I was already sweating a good amount when I switched to CARDIO. My legs are a little sore from all the running this week but I LOVE ITTTTTT. I felt good running! Had a few smoothie samplers here and there then ate a protein bar after I was done! We talked to one of the guys that works there for a bit and then headed out towards home. I gave Katie a bath, since Brad had a lot of college to finish then I rocked and put her to bed. Ate my turkey mix, took a bath and just finished my apple/protein powder AWESOME snack!

What sucks is I have done EXCELLENT with my calories / food intake the last few days but my weight has stayed the same. It seems like with this inflammation in my body, if I eat certain things my weight will not BUDGE. Take that food out of my diet and I will lose a pound a day, so luckily I know what might be doing it so we’ll see what happens.

Looking forward to the weekend!!! I’m so thankful, grateful, and blessed for this day and for The Gospel!!! Goodnight everyone.