I – AM – FEELING – GOOD!!! It was a BEAUTIFUL, cooler, windy day! After we were all up and after a bit, Brad took Katie to run around outside, while I finished cleaning house – thank goodness, lol. I was busy, busy.. had to clean house then went straight to fixing my meals/snacks to have with me for later when we went out & about. Gotta be prepared! We got everything ready and then had to wait until my Mom came home, so Katie could go spend the afternoon with her, as usual. Dropped her off then GYM GYM GYM. Summary >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.07 miles, 104 calories
leg extension – 3X, 85lbs, 10 reps
calf extension – 3X, 90lbs, 10 reps
seated leg curl – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
leg press – 3X, 210lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 90lbs, 10 reps
back – till max
abs – till max
squats & jump squats – 40 each
stair climber – 18 minutes, 64 floors, 181 calories
treadmill – 22 minutes, 1.35 miles, 106 calories (think it was more cals than that, the machine seemed off)

WOOT – I was jammin to my new music I put on my mp3 player while I was on the stair climber & treadmill! We tanned, changed clothes, talked to the front desk people for a long while (THEY ARE AWESOME), and got my awesome favorite smoothie! Finally headed out and about to the MALL! Ate my SUPER AWESOME peanut butter and jelly protein bar on the way. Went straight to GNC, where we picked up a whole mess of supplements goodies to help enhance our health and fitness! I needed some new pre-workout powder anyway, so I got a new kind that the front desk girl @ the gym said her fiance (who is a personal trainer) tried and said he had better energy from it, compared to using the one that I used before, so yeah! AND IT’S BUBBLEGUM FLAVOR! My new goodies: fish oil, pre-workout 1.M.R, Thermo CLA, and a fancy, more expensive water pill… to hopefully help get rid of the extra on me. OH, and I also got a blue raspberry amino acid powder that I can take throughout the day to keep me ENERGIZED. Can’t WAIT to try that in the morning! Brad got creatine chewables, a testerone booster, fish oil for him too & got LOTS of free samples, woot woot. One of the free samples was an appetite suppressant that I’m gonna try out. We went and sat down & took our supplements, lol and I ate a snack. We went to Spencer’s, where he got a discount air gun and I got a discount CUUUUUUUTE black hat! The supplements made me feel good, yesss.

We came back to Mom’s, where we hung out and talked for a good while then came home and got Katie done with bath / bed and I’m about to go get washed off tooooo. WHAT A GREAT DAY and I am so thankful, so so so very thankful. and I am OUT! peace & love to yooooooooou =)