Yes, I spelled it ERRORZ. =P It was weird with Brad having a day off yesterday and then going back today, but tomorrow is Fridaaaay, yea!!!

WOOT WOOT. I feel good tonight! First.. rewind to this morning. I changed up my usual protein shake this morning and instead of 1 1/2 scoops of protein powder into my shake, I skipped on the extra 1/2 and made a fried egg to go along with it. Soooo yummy. Went back to sleep for a bit and it’s always so nice. Got Katie up, breakfast came next & my neighbor wanted to talk to me for a second, so I stepped over to talk to her then came back. Katie was excellent! She wanted to color in her HUGE spongebob coloring book, so she sat at her table and colored for a long time. EXCELLENT. Next, she wanted to play with her favorite dinosaurs. Lunch came around and then her scripture study + nap time. Ate my lunch then went to wash off / shave before heading back over to my neighbors for just a bit. After I came back and was getting stuff ready, Brad came home with a Monster drink for me, since he bought one a bit ago that had protein in it. It was not that good… haha. We were off to the gym soon after!!!! SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.30 miles, 113 calories
tricep pulldown – 3X, 20lbs, 10 reps
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
chest press – 3X, 25lbs, 15 reps
bicep curl (pulley) – 3X, 20lbs, 10 reps
cross pull – 3X, 10lbs, 10 reps
hanging curls – 1X, 10-12 reps
pectoral fly / rear deltoid – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
tricep press – 3X, 50lbs, 10-15 reps
treadmill – 25 minutes, 2 miles, 251 calories

I felt decent today, so I knew I wanted to run again tonight! I have a pretty good idea of what foods work for me for now and I have been debating eating a bit more on my workout days, even tho I already eat a good amount in general but do not feel like I should… but it’s weird thinking about eating much more because there’s always that fear about gaining but I don’t think so! I lose weight eating as much as I do on my REST DAYS, so I figure I need even more on my workout days now.. and then from trial and error, I see that when I DON’T eat enough on my workout days, I feel bad and my weight goes UP. I faced my fear today. I ate a bit more for my pre-workout snack and added COCONUT OIL to my naner/yogurt/protein powder mix and it was sooooo yummy. When Brad and I were doing the weight machines, I told him I wanted to share one of the bigger protein bars with him to give me something inbetween, so that’s what we did! I felt good on the treadmill and of course, I felt even BETTER at the end and wanted to keep going, lol. Brad and I actually got free smoothies because we had some prepaid stuff on our account from doing surveys at the gym, HECK YES. I got my fav — pomegranate bliss! Talked to people up front for a bit then we had to head out to Wal-Mart to get a few things and come back. My best friend called and left me a message, while I was gone. She called to say that she got my card in the mail (she’s the one that recently lost her Grandma) and we were gonna talk tonight but it’s prob too late now. Anyway, brought Katie home and gave her a bath, since Brad was doing his college work. Washed off and ate my usual stuff. SO! We’ll see how eating a good bit more on my workout days does as far as my weight… I’ll keep trying till I get it right. I know I FELT so much better tonight so that DEFFO counts for something. Usually after my workout if we go to the store I am always FREEZING and get chill bumps… NOT TONIGHT! Also, took my blood pressure again and it was even better! 106/65!!!!!! It used to stay down like 90/60.

HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! Maybe I can get it figured out and feel as good as I do right now ALL DAY. That’s my goal. Or atleast feel this good as often as possible, lol. Well, off to check my usual bloggies and such then settle down for some Zzz’s. Hope everyone has an AWESOME night! PEACE AND LOVE… <333