Saturday has been very good to me!!! I got up this morning, had my protein shake, and let the water boil completely down to nothing with my steamed green beans, lol woops. My neighbor’s car wouldn’t start, so I woke Brad up and he went to help her and came back in. Fast forward… I cleaned house, called to check on Mom, who is doing OK but really, really sore from the procedure of looking down into her stomach and they took a biopsy. I tried to rushrushrush to get everything done and together so we could leave earlier than usual, since I had a hair/eyebrow appointment at the mall at 6:30pm and we wanted to go to the gym too. Luckily, my neighbor agreed to watch Katie! SO THANKFUL FOR HER! Katie went to her house, we loaded everything up and hit the gym! Not many people there, as usual for a Saturday. I actually felt pretty good and was able to push myself a bit more than usual. STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical, 11 minutes, 1.03 miles, 127 calories
assisted pullup – 3X, 85lbs, 10 reps
seated row – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
fixed pulldown – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
tricep press – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
chest press – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
** free weights **
bent over rows – 2x, 12lbs, 10 reps
** /end free weights **
stair climber – 15 minutes, 60 floors, 165 calories

I took my antibiotic when we got there and also ate a protein bar. After the workout, I drank some ice water then tanned. We talked a bit, i got my favorite smoothie, then headed out for the mall!!!! Browsed around and my appointment was at 6:30pm. Brad went his seperate way to look around and then my hair dresser called me to say that it was gonna be 7pm for my appointment. I told her that was ok! Browsed… browsed. A bit later, she sent me a text saying it was gonna be 7:15pm, lol. She is a CRAZY busy woman because she does such an AWESOME job with hair. I just continued to browse stores and then went to the restroom and it was time to gooooo. She did my eyebrows first, then I got the whole package on the hair….. wash/dry/style! It looks awesome! I posted a pic on DailyBooth.

Drove back home, brought Katie home for the usual night routine, and now I’m sitting here – just thankful! I actually feel ok, even after exercise and everything from today and I am THANKFUL for that. Hopefully, after my first round of antibiotics I will really start to feel a difference. =) Anyway, gonna go wash off and more RELAX TIME.