How was your Saturday? I cleaned house, Katie played, and Brad slept in until 2, I think? I got started later than usual and we usually leave for the gym (when we go on Saturdays) around 3pm. Well, when it was almost 3 I still had to clean the bathroom, cook our dinner for later, and get everything else sorted. I called Mom and she said she had to run out to the store and to give her until 4pm… so that worked! We dropped Katie off and headed for the gym. I already knew ahead of time that I was gonna have a way easier workout from the way I felt. SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes
glute – 2X, 50lbs, 10 reps
leg extension – 2X, 55lbs, 10 reps
calf extension – 2X, 50lbs, 10 reps
hip abduction – 2X, 130lbs, 10 reps
hip adduction – 2X, 110lbs, 10 reps
leg press – 2X, 150lbs, 10 reps
virtual bike – 10 minutes, 2 miles

I was talking to Brad about his fitness goals and that made him all de-motivated. *sigh* He did his workout then didn’t say anything. He said it wasn’t me, but that he was worrying about our car issues. So he sat and worried while I did the virtual bike. Afterwards, I tanned then got a smoothie and we headed off. Went by Goodwill, where I got 3 new church outfits……. YES! They are super cute. It was actually super relaxing browsing clothes and trying them on. Wal-Mart was the last stop for laundry detergent, deodorant, and Brad got a protein bar. Home > Brad did Katie’s bath/bed routine > ate dinner > showered/shaved > and now finishing up my usual late night snack!

I realized today that I should not worry anymore about my weight, until I get my health sorted. I’m staying within a range now that I’m keeping my portions under control and I MIGHT keep going down a pound a day, if I would just rest and not go to the gym at all, BUT I love the gym and want to go! Gonna stick with light workouts, until I feel able to go harder again. Or I might do the lighter until after I get everything done at the dentist.

JULY GOALS: keep going with same food portions, exercise according to tolerance, don’t focus on weight for now but still keep it in check.

3 weeks and 3 days until August !!! I don’t want to rush time cause I love summer. However, I want it to be here so I can get this going and feel like I used to. Be able to SLEEP DEEP again. I’m just so eager, but for now I must be patient. I’m so thankful for another day… goodnight!!