Ugh! I could not get to sleep last night… I took a FANTASTIC nap yesterday but I think that wired me because we went to bed at like 12:20AM and I tried my hardest to go to sleep but nope. I heard the clock tick 1… then later 2… then at 3 I got up and went to pee then came back to bed. Even though my sleep wasn’t the best, I woke up feeling alright! I decided today to not nap even though I had to fight so hard this afternoon around 3-4PM but since I’ve had a few snacks, the fatigue has lifted! Nothing special for today. I do want to say I AM SO HAPPY THAT MY HAIR IS SOO SOFT AGAIN! It looks really healthy again, FINALLY! OH, I guess the only highlight of today was when I first got up this morning I decided to PUT ON MY WORKOUT CLOTHES! After I got Katie up, fed her and put a movie on for her then I GOT ON THE TREADMILL! I did 40 minutes of speed walk and random sprints here and there. WOW, It actually gave me a little bit of a good feeling! I made SURE to drink plenty of WATER today.

The more I read about runners and how their very much at risk of having low iron, the more sense my 9 months of hell makes! It adds up. I went on my weight loss journey and stuck to a very strict diet. Which was FINE IF I had the iron to support it – which I didn’t! Then when I increased my exercise and began to run I was losing iron through sweat, PMS, urine and It just kept going down, down. I’m eager to see how the liquid iron is gonna make me feel! I was re-reading their dosage recommendations online and I was wrong – I said 1-2 tablespoons then I realized it said TSP and that’s teaspoons so yeah! I’m so stoked to get my endurance back and I’m gonna feel incredible… no, I’m gonna feel AMAZING.

CAN’T WAIT!!! *squeeeeee* It’ll be real soon too, yes indeed. I’ll be running faster and longer than I ever have. I know what I need to do now in able to feel SOOOOO AWESOME every day like I did early 2010. ANYONE can feel this great too!!! No matter how long you’ve been overweight or what you think you can’t overcome or If you think you’ll NEVER be not tired. There is a solution. It takes hard work, dedication and changes but the benefits? I can honestly testify the benefits of a healthy life, mind and spirit are worth every ounce of work it takes to get there.

It all starts with YOU. Our bodies are flesh, blood and bones. We take care of these with the right VITAMINS AND MINERALS. We get these through food and also sometimes supplements when we don’t get it through food. I had it all correct when I was losing weight except I could of been not so strict on myself and allowed a little more healthy carbs and fats. I get that now. I understand more about how to balance it out. Sometimes we just have a few vitamins and minerals that we are lacking… believe ME WHEN I SAY IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD! My advice If you want to feel better than you’ve EVER EVER felt?
– get a full blood panel CBC and check your thyroid
– CHECK YOUR IRON. i wish i would have a YEAR AGO
– once you look at whats going on with your blood and body then you can work on healing if there is anything abnormal or out of whack
– take supplements if you need them or are lacking in something- THEY ARE SOOO IMPORTANT
– get some exercise and keep at it
– drink plenty of water
– get atleast 7-8 hours sleep
– work on your mental and emotional well-being and when you do that, improving yourself physically will be a pice of cake because you will be in the right mind and place to be able to do so
– evalute yourself and YOUR LIFE. are you happy? why not? what can you change? are you willing to change? you have to dig inside yourself and find your true potential.
– praise yourself. love yourself! feel the loveeeeee! know that you are WORTH IT.
– have quiet down time to just relax and think about your life and the GOOD THINGS IN IT.
– eliminate all negativity in your life.. we don’t need it!
– eat healthy!!! food is fuel and when the body is given the right, healthy foods you will have major energy! get rid of the junk… your body doesn’t know what to do with that!

I suffered in misery for 9 months but I held on. Even though I went through food binges, I still stuck to healthy food and didn’t just give up and revert back to junk food and soda… NO WAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! It’s been a long road but here I am, ready to get back to full speed AND YOU CAN TOO! BELIEVE IT!

ps- apparently we’re getting snow flurries right now!