You know. I suffered for 9 months with a “mystery” but not once did I give up searching for possible answers to what might be going on. When the Doctor told me I was depressed and kept telling me time and time again to JUST TAKE THE DEPRESSION MEDICINE, I did not give into that because I knew my body better than that. I wish I would of thought of iron as the culprit but I didn’t. I could of given up. I could of said, “Ok Doc, give me the depression meds” and then went on my way but WHERE WOULD THAT HAVE GOTTEN ME? Nowhere except still suffering miserably and maybe even moreso with the depression medicine since that was not the answer!

I think most people give up. They come upon health situations and then just settle for depression medicine and never look for MORE answers. All it would take to help them get better would be some careful research, bloodwork and a determination to not give up to find the REAL answers. I encourage everyone to keep searching If you are facing a health issue that you know ISN’T just DEPRESSION. Most people are depressed because of an underlying cause! Yes, I felt down and angry when I was suffering but It wasn’t as simple as “Oh, I’m just depressed” I KNEW BETTER. How did I know better? Well I changed my life in 2009. By that time I had awakened my spiritual side, got my emotions straight and cleared my mind mentally. Once you get to that point then you can kindof tell how you’re doing. I KNEW something was OFF but it just took digging around, searching and asking questions to finally lead me in the right direction!

We all deserve to be healthy and happy but we have to take special care of our bodies in able to get there. I had ONE missing piece to the whole healthy living aspect and It RUINED ME. So thankful I am where I am today. Speaking of TODAY- I did a Wii Active workout this morning and the top of my thighs are already a little sore so that is a good sign!!!! I’ve felt pretty good today but have been pretty hungry so been making sure to keep my tummy happy. I imagine reving my metabolism back up is gonna take some good food and a good bit of it!

I’m excited to see new BONES and THE OFFICE tonight! Might also watch Perfect Couples since that looks good!!!