Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour! Although, I do NOT like it getting dark so early in the Winter… boo. =(

We didn’t get to go out or anything today. I cleaned house, took a shower, fixed my hair. This evening we ate dinner, took Katie in her room and colored with her for a bit then came back in the living room and watched:
The Office, BONES!!!, and just finished watching the newest FRINGE! All of the episodes were good. We want to catch up with the new NBC show GRIMM!!! Produced by the same folks who did Buffy and Angel.

My teeth have been bothering me again. Brad said when our insurance updates in the new year we can see about getting some work done on my teeth because I REALLY need it. Also, I really, really wish my Doc appointment was earlier than the 21st. I’m just so anxious.

Just my random thoughts and updates for the day…. church in the morning! Then a new week.