Awwww, the warm temps are gone (for now) and today was BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLLL. The sky was SO BLUE and the sun was shining so bright, BUT it was chilly. However, it’s gonna gradually warm back up over the next few days. I always talk about the weather, lol maybe I should be a weather lady…. or maybe I’m just THAT boring!!! HAHA.

Today = college work. Randomness. college work. Randomness.

Took a chilly walk over to Mom’s tonight to chit-chat for our usual Thursday meet up. She got a package from my Aunt Kerry, who lives in Arizona and she sent me a box with a homemade bracelet!!! She makes them for the Route 66 store they (her and my Uncle) manage. That’s so neat! It’s very pretty.

Tried to keep my food intake straight for today. Nope…….. *sigh* Keep fighting the good fight.