Heh… we got to sleep in late this morning, then I cleaned house!

I was trying to convince Brad to go to the movies and SO WE WENT! Yes! We really had to hurry though because the movie started at 3:30pm and we dropped Katie off at like 3:15pm at my Mom’s then we had to drive quite a ways to the theatre, BUT we made it. The movie was awesome and even Brad he liked it! I’d actually like to see it again. I love the house and the VIEW they had on their honeymoon, ooo la la. What a honeymoon for them though, lol. Afterwards, we drove over to the mall and had chicken + sides for dinner at a little cajun place in the food court. We walked allllllllll over the mall and eventually wanted something COLD for dessert, but decided to get something from McDonald’s on the way home.

Picked up Katie, then we got McFlurry’s! Man, I have been eating really unhealthy the last 2 weeks or so. SO BAD. I better enjoy it before I get strict again….. it’s been pretty nice but I can feel the effects of all the unhealthy food FOR SURE. My body is soooo much more sensative to unhealthy foods now. My problem now is that I’ve been eating too much sugar and carbs…. once you eat a lot of those it is really hard to “put on the brakes” but I am going to so I can lose weight and get in shape ….. …… again.

I could just KICK MYSELF IN THE TEETH for the mistakes I made that lead me to where I am now. It’s my fault because I literally burned my body out that lead to all the issues and all the problems and now I’m back eating unhealthy! That’s the vicious cycle though. I’ll get it right, again.

My McFlurry sure was awesome though!
Things to do before bed:
– shower
– look over the lesson for the church kiddos
– catch up online

One more day before my Doc’s appointment! I’m so happy we got to go see Breaking Dawn and had dinner. I love spending time with my hubby lovie. Thankful……


I completed my last school assignment for the week today, WOOT! Got a load of laundry done and…. just the usual around here.

We dropped Katie off at Mom’s then went shopping. I bought more indulgent foods… ugh I am so bad, but THEY ARE SO GOOD. Also, bought a supplement that Dr. Oz recommended on his show. I love Dr. Oz and The Doctors. DR. TRAVIS IS YUMMY!!!!!!!!! ;D As usual on Fridays, we had SUBWAY and also shared a lovely cinnamon pretzel!

I’m HOPING that Brad will agree to go see BREAKING DAWN tomorrow! I realllllllllly wanna go to the movies and see it. We haven’t been to the movie theatre in a long while, so it would be nice I think. We’ve stayed at home the last 2 Saturdays and I’m ready to get out and do something.

Ready ready ready for Monday so I can go get my lab results from the Doc. I’m anxious, nervous, but READY to see what happens next. Time to catch up online then try to decide what we (or maybe just me/I) wanna watch. I know one thing is for sure…. it is CHILLY outside!