Mmm… I’m eating some rice with a side of HOT CHOCOLATE and I feel GOOD.

Well. We didn’t get any snow today. Just RAIN and cold, boo. Today was pretty much a repeat of yesterday: reading college history material, hanging out, but today I took a nice nap. Right before my nap, I ate a bowl of hot veggie soup with seaweed and it was delish.

I also researched more about a low thyroid function in relation to prolonged dieting. So, here’s what happened to me. I lost weight in 2009 through healthier choices and lowered my caloric intake, BUT I didn’t have cheat days later into the year and I never changed my calories. Kept on and on until I saw symptoms of early hypothyroidism (August 2009, but didn’t know it was hypothyroidism at the time) and then in Dec 09, my weight loss was starting to stall…. yet I still kept doing the same thing. On and on and on. I clearly experienced HYPERthyroidism early 2010 since I all-of-a-sudden had this incredible energy yadda yadda from around January 2010 until sometime in March 2010 then everything went to hell. I kept going until I finally gave into ALL AND EVERY craving then started binge eating and my metabolism and thyroid had been BEATEN to death, lowering my thyroid function. I’ve been in that circle since all this went down. I gotta give my body enough food, but be CAREFUL of what I eat since my digestion is not the best nowadays. If I want to get my metabolism and thyroid back in action for weight loss, I’ve got to be soooooo CAREFUL!

Just gotta work at it. Anyhow, Brad is about to put Katie to bed and we’re gonna watch the latest DEXTER episode and I already know the twist lol I always spoil it for myself, but that’s ok haha. =)