Sooooo. We’re coming to a point where money is a real struggle again. We’ve been through it before and I think I mentioned this a couple of posts back, but seems we keep hitting these struggles. It’s okay, I’m not gonna worry over money. I learned not to when I changed my life in 2009. Why worry over money when you can’t change the situation at the moment? Noope, it does NO good.

I worked on college today and just spent a lot of time pondering about my health.

How can I get my MOOD better with this going on with my thyroid? How can I lose weight again? It seems my body is sensative to sugar, fiber, and carbs. Of course too much food isn’t good either and I seem to have gotten into a pattern of wanting to constantly get something. Well, we’re really getting scarce on food anyway, so I guess that’s one way to get me to cut down.

I want to FIX THIS more than EVERRRRRRRRR. I just don’t know how. So far the natural thyroid meds I’ve been taking for over a week haven’t done anything for me. I know, I know…. it may takes weeks or more for it to really work, but then again I may need to be on a MUCH HIGHER dose to see results, but I don’t go back to the Doc until late January.

I don’t know. I wish I knew. I’ll just keep doing what I’ve been doing…… researching and MORE researching. Digging through every kind of information I can about Hashimoto’s disease and underactive thyroid. GRRRRR, I am determined. My strength and endurance exercise-wise is PATHETIC. I’ve lost so much of what I had. Just need to KICK MY BUTT, but I just get so tired after trying to work out or feel weak and get pale. Sigh……

I suppose I’ll check a few more sites online then read a bit more of my college history book. Hope everyone has a great night.