I had my new plant based protein shake this morning then went back to sleep. Ugh… I got back up and just wanted to go back to sleep sooooo badly. This sinus infection is making me really drowsy. Anyway, got Katie all set, put on laundry, and cooked an AMAZING breakfast #2. Sauteed garlic shrimp, steamed carrots, and guac mixed with olive oil. OH IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOD. That’s what I’m gonna have again tonight for dinner. I turned in my college paper, called the dentist back to confirm our insurance, and eventually sat down to watch Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition with Katie! She played, ate lunch, and went down for her nap. Lunch was pretty good too! I had the same thing as this morning, except steamed cauliflower instead of carrots. It reminded me of the time I made “mashed potatoes” out of cauliflower when I was losing weight. I mixed it until it was almost mashed potatoe-like and then added the shrimp, guac, and olive oil. Pretty good!!! My snacks have been another shake and PLUMS! I haven’t had plums in foreverrrr. I took a nap this afternoon while Katie was napping because I just felt so tired/drowsy. Probably need to take some more cold dissolvable tablets, since I haven’t taken any today. I was hoping we could walk Katie down to the nearby pond after Brad got off work, but it got DARK outside around 5pm and a bit before Brad came home, we got rain! Brad came home and has just been lounging about and has been asleep for a little while. No way was I going to the gym today.

I just want to chill. My taste and smell are going… =( boo! I cannot stand that. Think tonight is gonna be another movie-watching evening. I forgot to mention I watched Life as We Know It the other night. SO GOOD and daaaang Josh Duhamel! Not sure what I’ll watch tonight but it will be nice just to sit back and I can’t wait till bed time because I could just sleeeeep and sleeeeeep. Really hope this sinus stuff goes away fast. I’m EXCITED for my foods in the food rotation tomorrow because of. . …. the awesome SWEET POTATO is making a return! I looooove them. YUMMO. I’m gonna have one for my breakfast #1! Also, the lady at the dentist called back today and gave me the copay for the crown. Umm, all I can say is that I’m thankful they are gonna let me pay it in two payments, instead of one. I knew it was gonna be more expensive than the root canal but yeah. Tomorrow I get my temporary crown! Their also gonna do the general exam and maybe even my cleaning?! I HOPE SO. I know my insurance covers the cleaning, so yeah I want that done. I’m just soooooo blessed, thankful, and happy that I get to have the chance to get my teeth worked on. That’s only one PIECE of the puzzle in helping my health. This food rotation is another piece. Along with all the other healthy stuff!

OKIE, well I hope everyone has an awesome night! Remember your blessings and be thankful for what you do have! Remember that your health, body, and thoughts are ALL in YOUR control! I just always want people to realize that. I was NOT gonna be satisfied when the Docs were telling me my blood work was “normal”, yet I knew I was NOT. Thank goodness for my online Holistic Doctor who opened up the doorway to my diagnosis of Hashimoto’s. All I can tell you is that autoimmune conditions CAN BE managed and even CURED with the right FOODS, supplements, and other factors. That’s what I’ve learned and I believe it. Don’t give up hope – you don’t have to be on pills the rest of your life in most cases!