Well, Katie had her very first dental appointment today!!! We walked over to the dentist for her 1:30pm appointment and waited then went back. She got set up in the dental chair and they had me leave the room while they did the x-rays. Guess what? They were raving at how good and cooperative she was about doing everything she was supposed to do! =) After the x-rays, I came back in and got to see her teeth! NO CAVITIES! The dentist said everything looks great!! They went ahead and flossed, polished, and then did a flouride treatment on her – and she wanted the grape flavor. After that, she got TWO gifts (where usually kids get one!) for being such a great patient. Awesome!!!!!

I’m taking a big step tomorrow! About 10 years late… but I’m going for my driving permit! I’m just soooo happy with everything that is happening for us! YES.

OK, so all my symptoms point to leaky gut. Well, guess what mainly causes leaky gut? An imbalance in the bacteria in the gut! I had suspected that last year and thought that my juice fast would just “cure” it, but no… I didn’t have the knowledge then and went from my juice fast to a more raw food plan and that was a TERRIBLE IDEA with the condition my gut was in. You might think… oh, well just take probiotics and you’ll be better. Nah, not quite. It’s harder than that. I know what I need to do now to get my gut bacteria back in balance. I already have a few things I need, but gonna buy a powerful candida formula at Whole Foods when we go tomorrow and I’m gonna fight this! The most IMPORTANT THING is to stay away from as much as sugar as possible. That’s been a BIG issue with me since 2010 is that I’m always craving sugar and carbs… I try to resist and always wind up giving in. Why? The bad bacteria thrive on it and so, that’s why I feel that way. Well, I’m tackling the anti-candida food plan again, along with certain supplements and foods that fight it, such as fresh garlic! There are plenty of people that I’ve researched and read about that have cured themselves of candida and all the misery that comes with it. This is what I’ve gathered happened to me.

Malnutrition from my 2009 lacking diet = perfect setting for the bad bacteria to take over = leading to leaky gut when they set up in the intestinal wall = food intolerances & setting off the immune system to attack itself (and my THYROID) = autoimmune = LIVING IN HELL. I’m taking my body back in a natural way!!!!! I really have become passionate about holistic approaches.

I have to stay away from sugar to starve and kill off the bad bacteria. I also can use natural anti-fungals and supplemental things to help get rid of them. The thing is.. when they die, they release a lot of toxins into my system, which creates major “detox or die-off” symptoms. Yea, I’ve already felt them plenty before. IT SUCKS. Once that is accomplished then I can replenish my gut with probiotics and I can use the special powder I bought to help my intestinal lining.

It’s CRAZY what I’ve learned that I had no clue about before. and I LOVE IT. Anyway, I’m off to relax! Hope everyone has a great night and remember… your health is in YOUR HANDS.