Today is Friday but for us It’s “Thursday” since Brad has one more day of work and then he has his weekend aka 3 days off, woot woot! Today’s exercise was not as much as usual but I try to make Friday more about fun than anything since I try to give 110% the rest of the week. I speed walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes which was awesome EXCEPT I forgot how not being used to just speed walking can lead to the dreaded chafing of the upper thighs. OUCH. Also went with a bit of fun on the Wii Active with sports and a couple with the resistance ropes for my arms. You know, I’ve always liked eating fruit but since I’ve been eating more healthy, I REALLY love it now! Fruit is my sweet tooth filler which is great! Speaking of fruit, Brad went to the store to pick up some food last night and brought home another seedless watermelon and also a baby watermelon! I cut up the baby watermelon first. Also among those food items that were bought last night, I got some mini pancakes! I tried them this morning mixed with my usual breakfast which consists of a scrambled egg, 2 turkey sausage and cottage cheese! I added a tiny bit of honey on the pancakes too. They were good but not as filling as my toast.

We’ve been looking into some shoes for Katie for a little bit and the other day I was going through her closet and found some clothes that a lady from our previous church had given to us plus some shoes! Their a size 3 but they barely fit her. I’ve been letting her wear them while she plays to get used to them and so far no complaints or anything. She’s doing good with her walking but I just think she’s lazy about it haha. Sometimes she’ll walk from the couch to the chair and then at other time she’ll only take a few steps then crawl the rest of the way but I know soon she’ll be racing around and that’s when we’ll start spending a lot of time outside, lol.

PS – morning sex is awesome, just thought I’d throw that in there! =)