Seems life will always find a way to stress you out huh? These days I tend to just go along with whatever life throws at me but even now It’s hard to do that. Our money is getting smaller than usual and then we have a few bills that are going up along with a purchase we are gonna have to make that is gonna make that money pile even smaller! Grrrrrrr. Money is evil for a fact. I just don’t want us to be back in the situation we were in not too long ago where we couldn’t pay bills and were wondering how we were gonna pay this or that. That just drives me insane. I reallllly want to get out and get a job and hopefully someday soon I will.

Anyway. I did a good bit extra exercise all through this week and kept within a certain calorie range and hoped that burning extra calories would get me a good loss this week. Nope. I had weighed myself at the beginning of this week and lost some. Todays weigh-in I was still at the same number from last week so I’m just gonna totally forget that weigh-in from Monday haha. I guess I should of known better… It’s like any time I do MORE exercise than the usual I gain or stay the same I’m guessing on muscle gain. Next week I plan to cut back a TINY and see where that gets me.

I cleaned house today and thought over the topics mentioned above. That’s about it. Will be happy to have my baby come home tonight and then he won’t go back to work until this coming Wednesday, yay!!! That’s something to look forward to! I could go for a nap right about now…