WOW. OK so It got to like 38 last night?!!!! You know somethin I really miss? The CENTRAL heat and air we had at our apartment. This house has been like an ice box last night and today! Really do not like! We have wall heaters but haven’t ordered gas yet. My toes are currently freezing… rah!

I got up this morning and after fixing breakfast and eating, Brad was heading out to go work on our CAR to put in the new transmission so after he left I got Katie set up to watch James and the Giant Peach while I got on the treadmill. I could of seen about going for a short run outside while Brad was home but It was windy and chilly so I decided to take the treadmill for today. I wound up mostly running but also taking fast walk and eventually slow walk breaks towards the end and did 30 minutes worth — it was great!!!! I loaded up on lots of protein afterwards then took a HOTTTT SHOWER to try to warm up my body! I can definetly tell a difference in my appetite for today. I’ve actually felt a little queasy all day but only a smidge but I’m not having my “usual” annoying hunger I usually have almost all day long so hopefully the new birth control is helping align some of those CRAZY hormones. Katie eventually went down for nap and I had a DELICIOUS, huge tuna, egg and veggie salad! Also… a tangerine on the side that was also very good.

It’s 8PM and Brad’s been gone all day! We’ve ran out of almost everything and need to go shopping but eek… It’s gonna be a late run. Hopefully he’ll be home very soon with our CAR and the new transmission put in – I hope I hope! Gonna wait some more and try to keep my very cold fingers warm…

I know I have been blessed in so many ways with so many things and I owe it all to my Heavenly Father!