…. I just really wish things were different. I wish a lot of things were different.

But their not. I went for a walk this morning outside and talked to my Mom on the phone. I ate a snack then we got ready to go out to see about talking to a lawyer (I think that’s what he is) that is friends with our church President to see If he could help us with Brad’s ticket at all. Well, we drove over to his office and he wasn’t there. Brad called our church President and he said to go to the courthouse and find a judge to see If they could help us any – well Brad didn’t want to do that. Ha… *shrug* SO either a) Brad doesn’t pay the ticket and goes to court tomorrow or b) we pay the ticket with limited money and only get to buy a few groceries. We drove out to the church since It was our week to clean it so we cleaned and Brad couldn’t make up his mind about the ticket. I was really starting to get hungry too. He finally decided we’d just pay it and go see what we could buy for groceries which REALLY irritates me when we have to count it but ya gotta do what ya have to. He went and paid the ticket but nobody was there?!! They were at an appointment apparently?? WTF. So he left the cash money in a drop box which when I told my Mom – she flipped out because she was afraid someone could steal the money but I’m not gonna worry about it. Also, our church President called Brad back while he was attempting to pay the ticket and once again told him to go see about talking to the judge but nope, Brad didn’t want to! *sigh* I don’t know what to say about him. We bought $35ish worth of this and that… not many groceries and we’ll buy the rest of what we need after he gets paid on Thursday. After we got back I put a very CRANKY baby down for a nap then fixed some lunch. I went back outside for another little walk to call my Mom and tell her about our *lovely* day.

I’m eating a sweet potato and peanut butter… bout to get Katie up soon and feed her then let play till bed time. Hopefully she’s in a better mood because she has been whiney all day. I just gotta pray for things to change for the better for us and hold onto faith.