I didn’t get a call back today and neither did Brad! Guess we’ll see what happens tomorrow. BUT HE DID GET HIS CHECK IN THE MAIL FROM THIS WEEK! Last week’s is still MIA. GRRR. Brad did go to work today. Katie was with Mom of course. Mom told me she had to go out early Tuesday and didn’t want to have to rush around with Katie so she brought her home this evening and said she’ll pick her up after she’s done with her errands in the late morning.

Earlier today, I did some school work.

I took various naps throughout the day.

Katie wet her pull-up after she got home so that was fun. Can’t forget her screaming her head off either! I called Mom and she said not to stress myself out… to just put her in a diaper and not mess with the potty for tonight. As I was rocking Katie before bed, Brad came home! He’s applying for other jobs online and I’m about to eat dinner. I’m really trying to get back on track with my calories and I’ve done excellent today!!! It helps since we have only so much food, LOL.

That was Monday.